From left to right:
Cody R. Combe, Internal Audit Manager
Vance K. Huntley, Audit Manager
Cameron R. Cowan, General Manager
Linford E. Jensen, Accounting Manager
IPA’s Management

IPA’s Board of Directors

From left to right:
Joel Eves, Lehi City
Mark Montgomery, Logan City
Allen Johnson, City of Bountiful
Blaine J. Haacke, Chair, Murray City
Bruce Rigby, Kaysville City
Eric Larsen, Fillmore City, Town of Holden, Kanosh, and Town of Meadow
Nick Tatton, Price City
IPP’s Coordinating Committee

From left to right:
Blaine J. Haacke, Murray City
Scott Mellon, City of Glendale
Elden Krause, City of Anaheim
LaDel Laub, Rural Electric Cooperatives
Mandip Kaur Samra, City of Burbank
Kevin Robison, Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.
Greg Huynh, Operating Agent, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Cameron R. Cowan, Committee Chair and IPA General Manager
Paul Schultz, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Lori Morrish, Project Manager, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Eric Larsen, Utah Municipalities
Mark Montgomery, Logan City
Brian Beelner, City of Anaheim
Roy Xu, City of Riverside
Not pictured:
Yankton Johnson, Moon Lake Electric Association
Jeffrey Kightinger, City of Pasadena
IPP’s Renewal Contract Coordinating Committee

From left to right:
Scott Mellon, City of Glendale
Allen Johnson, City of Bountiful
Blaine J. Haacke, Murray City
Eric Larsen, Utah Municipalities
Kevin Robison, Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.
Greg Huynh, Operating Agent, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Cameron R. Cowan, Committee Chair and IPA General Manager
Paul Schultz, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Lori Morrish, Project Manager, Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power
Mark Montgomery, Logan City
Mandip Kaur Samra, City of Burbank
LaDel Laub, Rural Electric Cooperatives
Not pictured:
Yankton Johnson, Moon Lake Electric Association